20 July, 2010

Rigenerator: Update 1

The major change in the new version is the rule based DG traversal. Earlier DG traversal was unrestricted and it will fetch all the nodes involved in the scene. In the new version I have added rules that are stored in a simple dictionary structure which can be updated dynamically. This allows me to select a DAG structure and Rigenerator will only get the rig involved in that selected DAG tree.

Rules are used by algorithm to decide if it needs to ignore a node, or ignore a branch or end at a particular node in DG. These conditions are triggered when we encounter specified node type or name. I will add regular expression to both, node name and type, so that we can target more generalized types of nodes. Later on, my plan is to be able to specify node patterns and levels in the rules. This rule based DG traversal is very powerful as I can fine tune the algorithm dynamically to extract any kind of rig.

I have also fixed problems with DG connection sequence in the code. So now there will be no connection dependency problems like this:
connectAttr nurbsCurveShape.worldSpace[0] curveInfo1.inputCurve;
connectAttr makeNurbsCircle1.outputCurve nurbsCurveShape.create;
// This will be an error since nurbsCurveShape is not created 
//  when doing first connection
// Shape is created when we make the second connection

Next addition is the option to include top hierarchy nodes of the selected rig. There are three options for this:
1. Recreate the top hierarchy
2. Use existing top hierarchy
3. Just group the rig under a separate node

For example, you Rignerate the Arm setup and also want all the top hierarchy nodes, e.g. shoulder, upper_body, root etc, then you can include those transform nodes, so it maintains the hierarchy. Using existing hierarchy helps, if you are mirroring the rig. And you can group the rig under a single node, in case you want to move it somewhere else.

Right now the code generation is still in .MA format and even if its simplicity is very useful it adds limitations because certain type of code cannot be executed with MEL! I can understand the reasons behind it, but it has added complexity to the code generation.
For example,
createNode animCurveUA -n L_Index2_rotateZ;
setAttr "L_Index2_rotateZ.wgt" no;
setAttr "L_Index2_rotateZ.tan" 10;
setAttr -s 3 "L_Index2_rotateZ.ktv[0:2]"  -10 26.247651337441738 0 0 10 -77.759996825174923;
Last line will silently fail and also the code following that line. This thread explains this: LINK

Hence the next step is to add special processing for special nodes, in this case animCurveUA. So instead of using MPlug.getSetAttrCmds() I will query attribute using normal mel commands. But, I need to generalize this into a proper system, instead of going and adding so many specific if conditions. This will also allow me to generate special commands for deformers as I have posted in one of my earlier posts. So that's the next goal.

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